65 minutes
Wednesday, April 13, 2016I don't know how long I can swim for, though I want to find that limit, the line were I can't possibly lift my arms out of the water. I imagine it would be somewhere around the two hour mark, though I'm really not sure. I should probably get a babysitter and try it out this summer.
Usually I try to swim for an hour, but I inevitably leave the house late, and miss out on the first 5-10 minutes of length swim's hour slot. But on Monday, after I showed up at my local only to have a sign saying it was closed, I frantically drove over to the next closest pool, and because I had a babysitter watching my kid, and knew I wouldn't get to a pool again all week (and had a head full of ideas and things I needed to think through), I swam for 65 minutes. It's not that long, but it was still longer than usual. I got into that meditative headspace I love so much, and stayed there for a good long while.
It was one of the very best swims I've had all year.
This is one of the most astonishing venues that I've attended for my numerous experiences. The venues in Chicago are spot on with the decorations. The overall experience was amazing! Had a fun and comfortable time here.