I am NOT a cold water swimmer

Friday, February 7, 2020

I am not a cold water swimmer. I have deep admiration for those who are. I am so inspired by Jessica J. Lee whose frigid dips are memorialized in her swim memoir (swimoir??) Turning, and am astounded every single day when I log onto Instagram and see my Team Mermaid pals swimming in 2 degree lidos. But cold water swimming I am not.

And so, imagine my dismay, when I landed into my favourite near-annual weekend retreat with plans to finish the novel I've been writing, interspersed with swims in the pool a few floors up, only to jump into the shallow end only to realize the heater was broken.

I tried to channel my inner mermaid, but alas, I could not and I only it eight lengths before retreating to the sauna.

It was disappointing to say the least, but there was a glorious blizzard outside and I ended up wandering in the snow instead, which was a pretty lovely alternative.

P.S.:This was my first glorious swim-retreat. So! Much! Fun!

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